Preparing for Moving day

Preparing for Moving day

Choosing a Date:

  • If you are flexible with your moving date, please let us know.


  • If you are interested in an estimate, please let us know.


You should prioritize your preparation into three areas:

  • Sort and dispose of any unneeded items through garage sales, donations to charitable organizations, or gifts to friends and family.

  • Start early, and pack areas you don't often use, such as basements, garages, and attics..

  • Consider moving some of the smaller items yourself:
    focus on plants, pictures, lamp shades, collectibles and highly sentimental items.

  • Get rid of unused items prior to your move. Keep in mind that movers are paid by the hour, so it isn't economical to pay them to move items you're going to throw away later.

  • Professional movers cannot move hazardous items such as propane tanks, firearms and aerosols. Additionally, empty the gas out of any gas-operated items (lawnmower, weed wacker, etc.) prior to moving.

  • Pick a labeling system and use it consistently so items can efficiently be placed in the correct room. If possible, boxes should be labeled on top & side.

Moving Day Notes

  • Your moving crew will move ALL items in your home, unless instructed otherwise. Be sure to complete a thorough walk through when your moving crew arrives, and do a final check for any overlooked items before the moving truck departs from your load address.
  • Time spent rearranging the furniture will add to the total time of the move. Have a furniture plan in mind before arriving at your new home to save time and money.
  • Consider moving jewellery, artwork, pictures and other small valuables yourself in your vehicle. As for larger valuables, point these items out to your moving crew so they can plan the load accordingly.
  • ABLE movers are prepared to move during rain, sleet, or snow. They arrive equipped with supplies to keep your home & belongings safe from the elements.